Events Coming Up

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2019 Primary Care Association (PCA) & Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) Conference
to Nov 20

2019 Primary Care Association (PCA) & Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) Conference

Omni San Diego Hotel

San Diego, CA

NACHC’s PCA and HCCN Con­fer­ence is the only con­fer­ence of its kind specif­i­cally tar­get­ing both state PCAs and HCCNs, with an audi­ence of 200–225 atten­dees from across the coun­try where nearly every state is rep­re­sented.

PCAs and HCCNs are critical organizations that support and advance policy goals and operational excellence for nearly 1400 community health centers serving more than 28 million individuals across the country.

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NACHC 2019 Financial, Operations Management / IT (FOM/IT) Conference
to Oct 25

NACHC 2019 Financial, Operations Management / IT (FOM/IT) Conference

Hilton Chicago
Chicago, IL

October 24-25, 2019
Pre-Conference Trainings: October 23, 2019

NACHC’s FOM/IT con­fer­ence is a gath­er­ing of over 700 health cen­ter senior lead­ers, man­agers, and staff CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CIOs and finance, oper­a­tions and IT staff from across the coun­try. The conference provides an opportunity for participants to inter­act with their col­leagues, indus­try experts and pow­er­ful speak­ers to share proven tech­niques and tools and dis­cover inno­v­a­tive strate­gies nec­es­sary to trans­form their orga­ni­za­tions.

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2019 Community Health Institute & EXPO
to Aug 20

2019 Community Health Institute & EXPO

Hyatt Regency Chicago
Chicago, IL

August 18-20, 2019
Committee Meetings: August 16-17, 2019

Registration for the 2019 CHI is now open.

The NACHC Com­mu­nity Health Insti­tute (CHI) and EXPO is the largest annual gath­er­ing of health cen­ter clin­i­cians, exec­u­tives, con­sumer board mem­bers, along with State/Regional Pri­mary Care Asso­ci­a­tions and Health Cen­ter Con­trolled Net­works. The con­fer­ence (August 18-20, 2019) is sched­uled to kick off in Chicago, IL, at a time when health cen­ters are charting a new course in a rapidly changing health environment and being called upon to assume a larger role in the nation’s health care system.  Health centers now confront a time when change must be viewed within the context of opportunity.  They must find new ways to deliver care more effectively and efficiently.  The pathway to sustainability and competition calls for training in new disciplines, collaboration, workforce development, technology and pursuing innovative models of care that target both the social determinants of health and address the emerging public health issues and challenges of our day.

At the NACHC CHI health centers can take advantage of multiple opportunities to gain perspectives from thought and industry leaders, hear about cutting edge ideas and partnerships to improve financial sustainability, net­work, share ideas and best prac­tices to stay vibrant and viable in the health ­care mar­ket­place.

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