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HRSA releases new Funding Opportunity for PCAs with EM prominently featured

HRSA recently announced the availability of $57.5 million to fund up to 52 state and regional Primary Care Association (PCA) Cooperative Agreements (HRSA-20-021). PCA funding supports training and technical assistance (T/TA) directly and through collaborative partnerships to existing and potential health centers.

This funding opportunity is listing Emergency Preparedness as one of the five strategic goals for PCAs:

  • Increase access to comprehensive primary care;

  • Accelerate value-based care delivery;

  • Foster a workforce to address current and emerging needs;

  • Enhance emergency preparedness and response; and

  • Advance clinical quality and performance.

This goal is broken down into two objectives:

  1. D1: Continuity of Care and Communication during Emergencies

    Increase the percentage of health centers that have formal agreements with the PCA to develop, exercise, maintain, and implement systems to ensure timely and accurate PCA reporting on health center operational status during disasters and/or public health emergencies

  2. D2: Emergency Preparedness

    Increase the percentage of health centers that receive state/region-specific T/TA on leveraging CMS requirements and HRSA resources to effectively align with federal, state, tribal, regional, and local emergency preparedness systems to ensure continuity of care during disasters and/or public health emergencies.

For additional information, visit HRSA’s webpage.